6Teen Wiki
  • Jude: (about Mr. Garcia and Emma Masterson) I wonder if they kiss with tongue?
    Jen and Caitlin: EWWW! JUDE!
    Jude: What? Did you think they were gonna stay your innocent little parents forever?
  • Jude: You're gonna make someone very happy tomorrow, Mr. Ball! (later as Jude fails to wrap the basketball properly) Okay, you're starting to get on my nerves, dude!
  • Wyatt: (near band) Where should we look next!?
    Jude: What did you say!?
    Wyatt: I said where should we look? For Caitlin's present?
    Jude: Huh?
    Wyatt: (pulling out cash and facing the band) I'll give you $6.75 if you stop playing!
  • Caitlin: So, did you guys find your secret Santa presents?
    Wyatt: I had to fight off six psycho bargain hunters for that.
  • Jonesy: Meet you guys out front. I've got to go return this costume.
    Nikki: Oooooh, but it's so sexy.
    Jonesy: Back at you, Rudolph.
  • Nikki: Vin Diesel gets in an accident and dies at the end! Enjoy!